(to the tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you’re ready for a story, take a seat
If you’re ready for a story, take a seat
Clap your hands and stomp your feet
Make your hands all nice and neat
If you’re ready for a story, take a seat
Opening Song: “Clap and Sing Hello”
(to the tune: “Farmer in the Dell”)
We clap and sing hello
We clap and sing hello
With our friends at storytime
We clap and sing hello
(Repeat with wave and stomp.)
Introduction: Together we brainstormed things that are green. Some of the answers I got included grass, trees, and alligators. Visual cues in the room helped the kids with this.
We briefly reviewed the primary colors we have done in the past three weeks and talked about the fact that if you mix some of those colors together, you get new colors. For example, yellow and blue together make green.
Book: In the Tall, Tall Grass by Denise Fleming (big book)

Rhyme cube: I roll the cube to select a fingerplay or action rhyme.
This time we did "Humpty Dumpty" and "I'm a Little Teapot."
"Humpty Dumpty"
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the King's horses and all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
"I'm a Little Teapot"
I'm a little teapot, short and stout
Here is my handle
Here is my spout
When I get all steamed up, hear my shout
Just tip me over and pour me out.
Flannelboard story: Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberley
We build the monster one feature at a time...
Then, because we aren't afraid of the big green monster, we shout "go away" to each feature...
At the end, we tell the monster "And don't come back until I say so!"
Shaker song: “Shake Your Shakers in the Air”
(to the tune of: Old MacDonald Had a Farm)
Shake your shaker in the air, shake it in the air.
With a shake-shake here and shake-shake there,
Here a shake, there a shake, everywhere a shake-shake.
Shake your shaker in the air, shake it in the air.
Shake your shaker way down low, shake it way down low.
With a shake-shake here and a shake-shake there,
Here a shake, there a shake, everywhere a shake-shake.
Shake your shaker way down low, shake it way down low.
Shake your shaker way up high, shake it way up high.
With a shake-shake here and a shake-shake there,
Here a shake, there a shake, everywhere a shake-shake.
Shake your shaker way up high, shake it way up high.
Shaker song: “Egg Shakers Up”
Egg shakers up, (shakers above head)
And egg shakers down, (shakers on the floor)
Egg shakers dancing all around the town. (move shakers back and forth)
Dance them on your shoulders
Dance them on your head
Dance them on your knee
And tuck them into bed (fold shaker inside hands, under head)
Book: Little Pea by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
Movement song: “Walking, Walking”
(to the tune of “Frere Jacque”)
Walking, walking
Walking, walking
Hop, hop, hop
Hop, hop, hop
Running, running
Running, running
Now we stop
Now we stop
Repeat twice, changing first line to "tiptoe, tiptoe" and then "marching, marching."
Flannelboard rhyme/game: “Can We Find the Green Alligator”
(To the tune of “Do You Know The Muffin Man”)
Can we find the green alligator, green alligator, green alligator?
Can we find the green alligator? We want to say hello.
Action song: “Five Green and Speckled Frogs”
Five green and speckled frogs
Sat on a speckled log
Eating some most delicious bugs
Yum yum
One jumped into the pool
Where it was nice and cool
And now there are four green speckled frogs
Repeat, counting down.
Scarf song: “Roly Poly”
(to the tune of “Frere Jacque”)
I modified this slightly to make it work better with scarves.
Roly poly, roly poly (hold ends scarf in both hands and make circular motions)
Up and down (wave scarf up, then down)
Up and down
Roly roly poly (make circles)
Roly roly poly
Up and down (wave scarf up, then down)
Up and down
Roly poly, roly poly
Out and in (move hands apart, then together)
Out and in
Roly roly poly
Roly roly poly
Out and in
Out and in
Roly poly, roly poly
Fast, fast, fast (circle or wave scarf fast)
Fast, fast, fast
Roly roly poly
Roly roly poly
Slow, slow, slow (circle or wave scarf slowly)
Slow, slow, slow
Scarf song: “Popcorn Kernels”
(to the tune of "Frere Jacque")
Popcorn kernels, popcorn kernels (wave scarf)
In the pot, in the pot (hide scarf inside cupped hands)
Shake them, shake them, shake them (shake cupped hands)
Shake them, shake them, shake them
Til they pop! Til they pop! (throw scarf into the air)
Song on Ukulele: “Bumping Up and Down In My Little Red Wagon”
The kids kept their scarves for this song and we changed the traditional red wagon to green.
Bumping up and down in my little green wagon
Bumping up and down in my little green wagon
Bumping up and down in my little green wagon
Won’t you be my darling?
Then we pretended to be driving little green cars.
Driving around in my little green car
Driving around in my little green car
Driving around in my little green car
Won't you be my darling?
Closing Song: “Tickle the Clouds”
Tickle the clouds
Tickle your toes
Turn around
Tickle your nose
Reach down low
Reach up high
The stories are over,
Wave goodbye
Craft, Manipulatives, Exploration:
Sensory bin: green lentils and split peas; plastic frogs, turtles, and dinosaurs; scooping toys
Lacing toys
This storytime was inspired by the lovely folks at:
Singing in the Stacks - paper plate frog
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