Gathering song: “If You’re Ready”
(to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you’re ready for a story, take a seat
If you’re ready for a story, take a seat
Clap your hands and stomp your feet
Make your hands all nice and neat
If you’re ready for a story, take a seat
Opening Song: “Clap and Sing Hello”
(to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell”)
We clap and sing hello
We clap and sing hello
With our friends at storytime
We clap and sing hello
(Repeat with wave and stomp.)
Introduction: We brainstormed some words that start with D. Then we sang the ABC song.
What's in the Mail? : I told the kids that I had stopped by the mailbox on the way to storytime and that we had some special mail.
Inside the first envelope was a picture of a dog. I wonder why there is a dog in our mail?
Inside the second envelope was a picture of a dinosaur. Hmmm....
Inside the third envelope was a picture of some dancers. Interesting...
Inside the fourth envelope was the letter D! That's right, all of these things start with the letter D!
Book: Bark, George by Jules Feiffer
Fingerplay: “Five Little Doggies” (with glove puppet)
Five little doggies were playing in the sun. (Hold up hand, fingers extended)
This one saw a rabbit, and he began to run. (Bend first finger)
This one saw a butterfly, and he began to race. (Bend second finger)
This one saw a pussycat, and he began to chase. (Bend third finger)
This one tried to catch his tail, and he went round & round. (Bend fourth finger)
This one was so quiet, he never made a sound. (Bend thumb)
Flannelboard game: “Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone”
Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone
Oh where, oh where can he be
With his ears cut short and his tail cut long
Oh where, oh where can he be?
I hid the dog behind one of the objects. We sang the song together and the kids tried to guess where the dog was hiding.
Rhyme Cube - We roll the cube to help choose our rhymes. This time we did "I'm a Little Teapot" and "Two Little Blackbirds."
"I'm a Little Teapot"
I'm a little teapot, short and stout
Here is my handle
Here is my spout
When I get all steamed up, hear my shout
Just tip me over and pour me out
"Two Little Blackbirds"
Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill (hold out both thumbs)
One named Jack (wiggle left thumb)
And one named Jill (wiggle right thumb)
Fly away, Jack (put left hand behind back)
Fly away, Jill (put right band behind back)
Come back, Jack (bring left thumb out)
Come back, Jill (bring right thumb out)
Scarf Song: “We Wave Our Scarves Together”
(to the tune of “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”)
We wave our scarves together
We wave our scarves together
We wave our scarves together
Because it’s fun to do!
Wave ‘em up high
Wave ‘em down low
Wave ‘em in the middle
Because it’s fun to do!
We throw our scarves together
We throw our scarves together
We throw our scarves together
Because it’s fun to do!
We throw ‘em up high
We throw ‘em down low
We throw ‘em in the middle
Because it’s fun to do!
Scarf Song: “Popcorn Kernels”
Popcorn kernels, popcorn kernels (wave scarf)
In the pot, in the pot (hide scarf inside cupped hands)
Shake them, shake them, shake them (shake cupped hands)
Shake them, shake them, shake them
Til they pop! Til they pop! (throw scarf into the air)
Book: Dinosaur vs. the Library by Bob Shea
Flannelboard Rhyme: “Five Funny Dinosaurs”
Five funny dinosaurs, letting out a roar
One went away, and then there were four
Four funny dinosaurs munching on a tree
One went away, and then there were three
Three funny dinosaurs didn’t know what to do
One went away, and then there were two
Two funny dinosaurs having lots of fun
One went away, and then there was one.
One funny dinosaur sitting in the sun
He went away, and then there were none.
Action Rhyme: “Dinosaur, Dinosaur”
Dinosaur, dinosaur, turn around
Dinosaur, dinosaur, touch the ground
Dinosaur, dinosaur, reach up high
Dinosaur, dinosaur, wink one eye
Dinosaur, dinosaur, touch your nose
Dinosaur, dinosaur, touch your toes
Dinosaur, dinosaur, slap your knees
Dinosaur, dinosaur, sit down please
Shaker Song: “Shake Your Shakers in the Air”
(to the tune of: Old MacDonald Had a Farm)
Shake your shaker in the air, shake it in the air.
With a shake-shake here and shake-shake there,
Here a shake, there a shake, everywhere a shake-shake.
Shake your shaker in the air, shake it in the air.
Shake your shaker way down low, shake it way down low.
With a shake-shake here and a shake-shake there,
Here a shake, there a shake, everywhere a shake-shake.
Shake your shaker way down low, shake it way down low.
Shake your shaker way up high, shake it way up high.
With a shake-shake here and a shake-shake there,
Here a shake, there a shake, everywhere a shake-shake.
Shake your shaker way up high, shake it way up high.
Egg shakers up, (shakers above head)
And egg shakers down, (shakers on the floor)
Egg shakers dancing all around the town. (move shakers back and forth)
Dance them on your shoulders
Dance them on your head
Dance them on your knee
And tuck them into bed (fold shaker inside hands, under head)
Action Song: “Dancing Sheep”
Shhh! It’s time to go to sleep (put finger to mouth, pretend to sleep)
But into my bedroom one sheep creeps (creep fingers)
“Don’t go to bed,” the one sheep said.
“I would rather dance instead!”
Soon he was… (draw these words out)
Dancing on the ceiling! (wave hands above head in “dancing” motion)
He was dancing on the floor! (wave hands on floor)
He was dancing on the window! (wave hands to one side)
He was dancing on the door! (wave hands to other side)
He kept on…
Dancing on the ceiling! (sing faster)
He was dancing on the floor!
He was dancing on the window!
He was dancing on the door!
(repeat several times getting faster each time through)
“Stop that dancing, silly sheep.
It is time to go to sleep!”
Soon the sheep lay on the floor.
Soon the sheep began to snore.
So I started … (draw these words out)
Dancing on the ceiling!
I was dancing on the floor!
I was dancing on the window!
I was dancing on the door!
(from: Dailey, Susan M. You can hear the song at this website.)
Action Song: “Dino-Pokey”
(to the tune of "The Hokey-Pokey")
You put your claws in,
You put your claws out,
You put your claws in,
And you scratch them all about.
You do the dino pokey
And you turn yourself around
That’s what it’s all about!
Repeat with:
You stomp your feet in…
You swish your tail in…
Dance Party with recorded music – using streamers and scarves
Tickle the clouds
Tickle your toes
Turn around
Tickle your nose
Reach down low
Reach up high
The stories are over,
Wave goodbye
Craft, Manipulatives, Exploration:
Letter D coloring/tracing page
This storytime was inspired by the lovely folks at: