Our "Did You Know" literacy fact for today was:
Singing nursery rhymes and other songs introduces children to words they might not hear in everyday conversation. Having a larger vocabulary makes it easier when they begin to read.
Welcoming Song: “Let’s All Clap”
(to the tune of “Buffalo Gals”)
Let’s all clap ‘cause ____ is here
______ is here, ______ is here
Let’s all clap ‘cause ______ is here
______ is here today.
Tickle: “There Was a Little Mouse”
There was a little mouse (tickle)
Looking for his house (tickle)
Not here, (tickle)
Not here, (tickle)
But here, here, here (tickle tummy)
Nursery Rhyme: “Itsy Bitsy Spider”
You can also do this rhyme with hand motions (see link above) or as a tickle.
The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again
Bounce: “Acka Backa Soda Cracker”
Acka backa soda cracker
Acka backa boo
Acka backa soda cracker
Up goes you! (lift baby’s arms or whole baby)
Acka backa soda cracker
Acka backa boo
Acka backa soda cracker
I love you! (kiss)
Song: “What Shall We Do with Lazy Katie” *
What shall we do with lazy Katie (rock or bounce)
What shall we do with lazy Katie
What shall we do with lazy Katie
Early in the morning?
Roll her on the bed and tickle all over (sway and tickle)
Roll her on the bed and tickle all over
Roll her on the bed and tickle all over
Early in the morning
Heave ho and up she rises (lift)
Heave ho and up she rises
Heave ho and up she rises
Early in the morning
*You can substitute your child's name for Katie. Also, if (like me) you balk just a little at calling a baby lazy, you could use "sleepy" instead. I think that is what's really meant, anyway.
Lap Bounce: “A Smooth Road”
[Put the baby on your lap, facing you preferably so s/he can see your face.]
A smooth road, a smooth road, a smooth road, a smooth road [sway]
A bumpy road, a bumpy road, a bumpy road, a bumpy road [bounce gently]
A rough road, a rough road, a rough road, a rough road [bounce harder]
A HOLE! [drop baby between knees]
Movement: “London Bridge”
London Bridge is falling down (gently drop baby)
Falling down
Falling down
London Bridge is falling down
My sweet baby
So come and take a walk around (walk and bounce)
Walk around
Walk around
Come and take a walk around
My sweet baby
Movement: “Ring Around the Rosie”
Ring around the rosie, (walk and bounce)
Pocket full of posies,
Ashes, ashes, we all fall down! (gently drop baby)
The cows are in the meadow (walk and bounce)
Eating buttercups
Thunder, lightning,
We all jump up! (jump)
Scarf Song: “Can You Wave Your Scarf With Me?” *
(to the tune of: "London Bridge")
Can you wave your scarf with me?
Wave your scarf along with me.
It’s as easy as can be.
Now put it on your…
(knee, tummy, toes, ear, head, etc.)
*Just change the original "shake your egg" to "wave your scarf"
Scarf Song: “Peek-a-Boo”
(to the tune “Frere Jacques”)
Peek a boo, peek a boo (peek out from behind scarf or hands)
I see you, I see you (touch baby’s chest)
I see your button nose (touch baby’s nose)
I see your tiny toes (wiggle baby’s toes)
I see you
Peek a boo (peek out from behind scarf or hands)
Goodbye Song: “The More We Get Together”
The more we get together, together, together
The more we get together, the happier we'll be
'Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we get together, the happier we'll be
Inspiration for today's storytime came from the lovely folks at: