Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Welcoming Song: We Wave Hello Like This

(To the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell”)

We wave hello like this
We wave hello like this
We clap our hands for all our friends
We wave hello like this

Lap Bounce: “Acka Backa Soda Cracker

Acka backa soda cracker                 
Acka backa boo
Acka backa soda cracker
Up goes you!                                      (lift baby’s arms or whole baby)

Acka backa soda cracker
Acka backa boo
Acka backa soda cracker
I love you!                                          (kiss)

Rhyme: “Wake Up Feet

Wake up feet, wake up feet,
Wake up feet and wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Wake up feet, wake up feet,
Wake up and wiggle in the morning.

(Repeat with hands, ears, elbows, nose, hair, etc…)

Fingerplay/Tickle Rhyme: “There Was a Little Mouse”

There was a little mouse         (tickle)
Looking for his house             (tickle) 
Not here,                                  (tickle)
Not here,                                  (tickle)
But here, here, here                 (tickle tummy)

Nursery Rhyme: “Pat-a-Cake

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man             (clap)
Bake me a cake as fast as you can                (clap)
Roll it                                                            (circle fists)
And pat it                                                      (pat one palm with the other)
And mark it with a B                                     (trace a letter B on one palm)
And put in the oven for baby and me          

There are several slightly different versions of this rhyme. It's also fun to change the last two lines to use your child's name.

Dancing: “Go In and Out the Window

(Stand in a circle, holding baby. In the second verse, turn baby to face another child in the circle. If you are alone, you could use a mirror.)

Go in and out the window                (step baby toward middle of circle)
Go in and out the window
Go in and out the window
As we have done before

Turn and face your partner                   (hold baby under arms, turn toward other baby)
Turn and face your partner
Turn and face your partner
As we have done before

Go up and down the staircase              (lift baby up and down)
Go up and down the staircase
Go up and down the staircase
As we have done before

Dancing/Movement: “Ring Around the Rosie

Ring around the rosie,                    (walk and bounce)
Pocket full of posies,
Ashes, ashes, we all fall down!      (gently drop with baby)

The cows are in the meadow          (walk and bounce)
Eating buttercups
Thunder, lightning,
We all jump up!                             (jump)

Our story today was Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin. 

Instead of reading the story, today I told the story using the flannelboard. This was the first time I've tried the flannelboard with the toddlers and they were fascinated. One of the moms said it was like watching the crowd rush the stage at a concert.  :) 

Can you shake your egg with me?       
Shake you egg along with me?
It's as easy as can be.
Now put it on your knee.

(Repeat: tummy, head, etc.)

Shaker song: “Egg Shakers Up

Egg shakers up,                                            (shakers above head)
And egg shakers down,                                (shakers on the floor)
Egg shakers dancing all around the town.    (move shakers back and forth)     
Dance them on your shoulders
Dance them on your head
Dance them on your knee
And tuck them into bed                               (fold shaker inside hands, under head)

Closing Song: “We Wave Goodbye Like This
(to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell”)

We wave goodbye like this
We wave goodbye like this
We clap our hands for all our friends
We wave goodbye like this

Bubbles with music

Preschool: Letter B

Gathering song: “If You’re Ready”
(to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)

If you’re ready for a story, take a seat
If you’re ready for a story, take a seat
Clap your hands and stomp your feet
Make your hands all nice and neat
If you’re ready for a story, take a seat

Opening Song: “Clap and Sing Hello” 
(to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell”)

We clap and sing hello
We clap and sing hello
With our friends at storytime
We clap and sing hello

(Repeat with wave and stomp.)

Introduction: We briefly discussed that B is the second letter in the alphabet, brainstormed some words that start with B, and made B sounds. Then we sang the ABC song.

What's in the Mail? : I told the kids that I had stopped by the mailbox on the way to storytime and that we had some special mail.

(Thanks to the librarians at Library Village for the great idea!)

Inside the first envelope was a picture of a bee. I wonder why there is a bee in our mail?
Inside the second envelope was a picture of a child blowing a bubble with bubblegum.  Hmmm....
Inside the third envelope was a picture of a bus. Interesting...
Inside the fourth envelope was the letter B! That's right, all of these things start with the letter B!

Book: The Monkey and the Bee by C.P. Bloom 

Fingerplay: “Here is the Beehive” 

Here is the beehive                                                    (hold up closed fist)
But where are the bees?                                           (shrug with other hand)
Hidden away where nobody sees                             (cover fist with other hand)
Watch and you’ll see them come out of the hive
One, two, three, four, five                                         (poke out one finger at a time]
They’re ALIVE!!                                                       (buzzing sound and flying fingers)


Flannelboard Rhyme: “Five Little Bees”

One little bee flew and flew.
He met a friend, and that made two.
Two little bees, busy as could be.
Along came another and that made three.
Three little bees wanted one more.
Found one soon and that made four.
Four little bees going to the hive.
Spied their little brother and that made five.
Five little bees working every hour.
Buzz away, bees, and find a flower.

Rhyme cube - We roll the cube to help choose our rhymes.

Today we did "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "I'm a Little Teapot."

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are

I'm a little teapot, short and stout
Here is my handle                              
Here is my spout
When I get all steamed up, hear my shout
Just tip me over and pour me out 

Scarf Song: “Popcorn Kernels

Popcorn kernels, popcorn kernels              (wave scarf)
In the pot, in the pot                                   (hide scarf inside cupped hands)
Shake them, shake them, shake them        (shake cupped hands)
Shake them, shake them, shake them
Til they pop! Til they pop!                        (throw scarf into the air)

Scarf Song: “Buzz, Buzz by Laurie Berkner (from recording) 

Flannelboard game: "Bubblegum, Bubblegum in a Dish"

Bubble gum, bubble gum, in a dish
How many pieces do you wish?

The children took turns choosing a number. If the next number was larger, we counted up and added gumballs. If it was smaller, we counted down and subtracted gumballs. 

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubblegum” 

Icky, sticky, sticky, sticky bubblegum                        (pull hands apart as if stretching gum)
Bubblegum, bubblegum
Icky, sticky, sticky, sticky bubblegum
Makes my hands stick to my ____                             (put hands on a part of the body)
So I pull ‘em, and I pull ‘em, and I pull ‘em away!   (try to pull hands away, then finally they fly off)

(Repeat with different parts of the body)

Shaker Song:  “If You’re Happy and You Know It” 

If you’re happy and you know it, give a shake
If you're happy and you know it, give a shake
If you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it
If you’re happy and you know it give a shake

(Repeat: give a clap, give a tap)

Shaker Song: “Egg Shakers Up

Egg shakers up,                                            (shakers above head)
And egg shakers down,                                (shakers on the floor)
Egg shakers dancing all around the town.    (move shakers back and forth)     
Dance them on your shoulders
Dance them on your head
Dance them on your knee
And tuck them into bed                               (fold shaker inside hands, under head)

Book: My Bus by Byron Barton

Action Song: “The Wheels on the Bus

The wheels on the bus go round and round          (circle fists)
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All through the town

Repeat with: 

The doors on the bus go open and closed           (fold arms and swing top arm out)

The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish      (fold arms and swing top arm upward in an arc)

The people on the bus go up and down               (bounce up and down)

The baby on the bus goes "Waa, waa, waa"        (rub eyes)

The mommy/daddy on the bus goes "Shh, shh, shh"       (put finger to lips)

The daddy/mommy on the bus says "I love you"       (hug self or do sign for "I love you")

Flannelboard Story: Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems

The bus driver has to leave for a while. He asks us to make sure the pigeon doesn't drive the bus.

The pigeon really, really wants to drive the bus and tries everything he can think of to convince us.

The pigeon gets pretty frantic when we won't give in. In the end, he is distracted by something else he would like to drive.

Closing Rhyme: “Tickle the Clouds

Tickle the clouds
Tickle your toes
Turn around
Tickle your nose
Reach down low
Reach up high
The stories are over,
Wave goodbye

Craft, Manipulatives, Exploration: 

Toys that start with B: blocks, balls, kitchen toys (broccoli, bowls, etc.)
Things that start with B coloring page
Craft to-go: Letter B bee

This storytime was inspired by the lovely folks at: 

Storytime Katie: Letter B; Pigeon flannels
Library Village: Letter B; mail call

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Our book today was Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes by Mem Fox.

Our “Did You Know?” fact today was about vocabulary (new words).

Reading books to your child exposes her to more “rare words” – the juicy vocabulary that may not come up in everyday conversation with a child. When you encounter a big word, don’t feel like you should replace it. Let baby hear it and, once in a while, drop in an explanation.  “The enormous elephant…enormous means really big…went for a walk.”

Credit: Reading Rockets

Welcoming Song: “We Wave Hello Like This” 
(To the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell”)

We wave hello like this
We wave hello like this
We clap our hands for all our friends
We wave hello like this

Lap Bounce: “Bouncing, Bouncing Baby On My Knee

Bouncing, bouncing, baby on my knee
Bouncing, bouncing, one, two, three                   (tickle or lift on three)

(Repeat with clapping, rocking, jumping)

Rhyme: “Baby Put Your Pants On
(to the tune of "Short'nin' Bread")

Baby put your pants on, pants on, pants on         (move baby's legs)
Baby put your pants on, one, two, three              (gently poke baby's belly)
Baby put your pants on, pants on, pants on
Baby put your pants on, one, two, three

Leg to the left, leg to the right                            (move legs)
Wiggle and jiggle and pull them up tight
Leg to the left, leg to the right
Wiggle and jiggle and pull them up tight

Baby put your pants on, pants on, pants on
Baby put your pants on, one, two, three

Fingerplay/Tickle Rhyme: “One Little, Two Little, Three Little Fingers

One little, two little, three little fingers                 (wiggle each finger)
Four little, five little, six little fingers
Seven little, eight little, nine little fingers
Ten little fingers on my hand

They wiggle and they wiggle and they wiggle all together       (wiggle fingers)
They wiggle and they wiggle and they wiggle all together
They wiggle and they wiggle and they wiggle all together
Ten  little fingers on my hand

They clap and they clap and they keep on clapping                 (clap)
They clap and they clap and they keep on clapping
They clap and they clap and they keep on clapping
Ten little fingers on my hand

Nursery Rhyme: “Little Boy Blue
Little Boy Blue come blow your horn
The sheep are in the meadow, the cows are in the corn.
Where is the little boy who looks after the sheep?
Under the haystack fast asleep.
Will you wake him? No not I.
For if I do, he's sure to cry.

(to the tune of "Shortnin' Bread")

Mama's little baby loves dancing, dancing           (sway)
Mama's little baby loves turning around               (turn in a circle)
Mama's little baby loves dancing, dancing           (sway)
Mama's little baby loves to boogie down             (twist)

Lean to the left,                        
Lean to the right
Hug that baby nice and tight
Lean to the left, lean to the right
Hug that baby nice and tight

Mama's little baby loves dancing, dancing           (sway)
Mama's little baby loves turning around               (turn in a circle)
Mama's little baby loves dancing, dancing           (sway)
Mama's little baby loves to boogie down             (twist)

Dancing/Movement: “Grand Old Duke of York 

The grand old Duke of York                                    (bounce baby)
He had ten thousand men
He marched them up to the top of the hill               (lift baby)
And marched them down again.

‘Cause when you’re up you’re up                           (lift baby)
And when you’re down you’re down
And when you’re only halfway up                          (lift baby)
You’re neither up nor down.

He marched them to the left                                   (bounce left)
He marched them to the right                                 (bounce right)
He marched them to the top of the hill                   (lift baby)
Oh, what a silly sight!

Scarf song: “We Wave Our Scarves Together
(to the tune of “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”)

We wave our scarves together
We wave our scarves together
We wave our scarves together
Because it’s fun to do!
Wave ‘em up high
Wave ‘em down low
Wave ‘em in the middle
Because it’s fun to do!

We throw our scarves together
We throw our scarves together
We throw our scarves together
Because it’s fun to do!
We throw ‘em up high
We throw ‘em down low
We throw ‘em in the middle
Because it’s fun to do!

Scarf song: “One Bright Scarf

One bright scarf waiting for the wind to blow               (hold in hand)
Wiggle it high                                                                (wiggle scarf above head)
Wiggle it low                                                                 (wiggle scarf by knees)
Shake it fast                                                                   (wiggle scarf quickly)
Shake it slow                                                                 (wiggle scarf slowly)
Where did it go?                                                       (put it behind back, bring out empty hands)

Closing Song: “We Wave Goodbye Like This
(to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell”)

We wave goodbye like this
We wave goodbye like this
We clap our hands for all our friends
We wave goodbye like this

Bubbles with music

This storytime was inspired by the lovely folks at:

Preschool: Letter A

Gathering song: “If You’re Ready”
(to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)

If you’re ready for a story, take a seat
If you’re ready for a story, take a seat
Clap your hands and stomp your feet
Make your hands all nice and neat
If you’re ready for a story, take a seat

Opening Song: “Clap and Sing Hello” 
(to the tune of “Farmer in the Dell”)

We clap and sing hello
We clap and sing hello
With our friends at storytime
We clap and sing hello

(Repeat with wave and stomp.)

Introduction:  Today we are starting our alphabet theme with the letter A. We brainstormed some words that start with A.

Book: Snip Snap! : What’s That? by Mara Bergman

Action Rhyme: “Alligator, Alligator

Alligator, alligator
Long and green (trace arm)
Alligator, alligator,
Teeth so mean (make teeth with fingers)
Alligator, alligator
Snapping at a bee (snap with arms)
Alligator, alligator
Can’t catch me!

Flannelboard Rhyme: “Five Little Alligators”

One little alligator swimming in a pool
Another comes along and now there are two
Two little alligators swimming by a tree
Another comes along and now there are three
Three little alligators swimming near the shore
Another comes along and now there are four
Four little alligators swim, splash, and dive
Another comes along and now there are five
Five little alligators having lots of fun
Mama calls, “It’s time for bed!” and now the fun is done!

Shaker song: “Shake Your Shakers” 
(to the tune of "Old MacDonald Had a Farm")

Shake your shaker in the air, shake it in the air.
With a shake-shake here and shake-shake there,
Here a shake, there a shake, everywhere a shake-shake.
Shake your shaker in the air, shake it in the air.

Shake your shaker way down low, shake it way down low.
With a shake-shake here and a shake-shake there,
Here a shake, there a shake, everywhere a shake-shake.
Shake your shaker way down low, shake it way down low.

Shake your shaker way up high, shake it way up high.
With a shake-shake here and a shake-shake there,
Here a shake, there a shake, everywhere a shake-shake.
Shake your shaker way up high, shake it way up high.

Shaker song: “Egg Shakers Up

Egg shakers up,                                            (shakers above head)
And egg shakers down,                                (shakers on the floor)
Egg shakers dancing all around the town.    (move shakers back and forth)     
Dance them on your shoulders
Dance them on your head
Dance them on your knee
And tuck them into bed                               (fold shaker inside hands, under head)

Flannelboard story: That Apple is Mine! by Katya Arnold 

Hare finds an apple in the tree, but he can't reach it.

Crow can reach it, but decides to take the apple for himself.

Crow drops the heavy apple on Hedgehog. Hare, Crow, and Hedgehog argue over who should get the apple, waking Bear.

Bear convinces the other animals to share the apple. They give Bear a piece for helping them find a solution.

Everyone is happy, except little worm, who sets off to find a new apple.

Action Rhyme: “Way Up High in the Apple Tree

Way up high in the apple tree
Two little apples smiled at me
I shook that tree as hard as I could
Down came the apple, ummm they were good

Scarf song: “We Wave Our Scarves Together
(to the tune of “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”)

We wave our scarves together
We wave our scarves together
We wave our scarves together
Because it’s fun to do!
Wave ‘em up high
Wave ‘em down low
Wave ‘em in the middle
Because it’s fun to do!

We throw our scarves together
We throw our scarves together
We throw our scarves together
Because it’s fun to do!
We throw ‘em up high
We throw ‘em down low
We throw ‘em in the middle
Because it’s fun to do!

Scarf song: “Popcorn Kernels

Popcorn kernels, popcorn kernels              (wave scarf)
In the pot, in the pot                                   (hide scarf inside cupped hands)
Shake them, shake them, shake them        (shake cupped hands)
Shake them, shake them, shake them
Til they pop! Til they pop!                        (throw scarf into the air)

Book: Dinosaur Rocket by Penny Dale  
Book: Eight Days Gone by Linda McReynolds

I let the kids choose which astronaut book we would read. They chose Dinosaur Rocket!

Flannelboard Rhyme: “We’re Flying Off to Space”

We’re flying off to space.  
We’re flying off to space.  
I think we’ll see the moon up there!  
We’re flying off to space.

Continue with:
….I think we’ll see some planets up there!
….I think we’ll see some stars up there!
….Maybe we’ll see some aliens up there!

Action Rhyme: “Zoom, Zoom, Zoom

Zoom, zoom, zoom (rub hands)
We're going to the moon
Zoom, zoom, zoom
We're going to the moon
If you want to take a trip (climbing ladder motions)
climb aboard my rocket ship
Zoom, zoom, zoom
We're going to the moon
In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (count down on fingers, crouching down)
Blast off!         (burst upwards)

Far, far, far, we’re going to the stars…
Fun, fun, fun, we’re going to the sun…

Closing Rhyme: “Tickle the Clouds

Tickle the clouds
Tickle your toes
Turn around
Tickle your nose
Reach down low
Reach up high
The stories are over,
Wave goodbye


This storytime was inspired by the lovely folks at: 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Not-So-Scary Halloween Evening Program

Our family evening program for October was a Halloween party for the younger set. I hosted two storytimes (with the same content) during the evening and in between there were games, crafts, and a StoryWalk* in the gym. It was our best-attended program yet with about 65 people over two hours. Unfortunately, I was so busy getting things set up that I forgot to take pictures. Thankfully, my husband snapped a few.  

The Storytimes

A few years ago, I discovered a resource that I rely on heavily for my fall and Halloween programs - an album of stories and songs by Marcia Louis called Dancin' with Mr. Bones. Some I retell and for some I play the audio track. Please go take a listen. You'll love it. 

Song/Storytelling: "Pumpkin Vine" (retold from Dancing' with Mr. Bones by Marcia Louis)
This is so much fun! It has singing, motions for the kids, and a basic lesson on the life cycle of pumpkins. 

 First we plant our pumpkin seeds. After rain and sun, a vine grows and green leaves appear.
 A yellow flower will eventually turn into a pumpkin.
 Oh no! A red bug is hopping on our pumpkin vine! We have to get rid of that bug.
Finally, a big orange pumpkin appears.

Action Rhyme: "Five Little Pumpkins"

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate
The first one said, “Oh my, it’s getting late!”
The second one said, “There’s a chill in the air.”
The third one said, “But we don’t care.”
The fourth one said, “Let’s run and run and run.”
The fifth one said, “Get ready for some fun.”
Then ooooh went the wind and out went the lights
And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight.

(My version of this rhyme is slightly different from the most popular one featuring witches in the air.)

Book: Big Pumpkin by Erica Silverman 

I really like this Halloween version of the folktale The Enormous Turnip. It gives me a chance to use my (admittedly not great) Count Dracula voice.

Flannelboard Rhyme: "Brown Bat, Brown Bat, What Do You See?"
A Halloween version of the classic "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" by Bill Martin.

Rhyme: "Five Little Bats" (retold from Dancin’ with Mr. Bones)

Five little bats hanging upside down                      (hang fingers over the opposite arm)                
The first one says, "I’m going to town
To see the little children going up and down the street          (point back and forth)
Knocking on the doors and saying ‘Trick or Treat'"              (knock on table)
And away he flew….squeaky, squeaky, squeak                     (hook thumbs and flap hands)

Repeat, counting down.

Flip Book: "In a Dark, Dark Wood" (thanks to librarian Karen Bowling for the share!)

I'm not showing every page here, but check out Karen's video for the details...

In a dark, dark wood there is a dark, dark house...

In the dark, dark house there is a dark, dark room...

In the dark, dark room there is a dark, dark cupboard...

 In the dark, dark cupboard there is a dark, dark box...

And in the dark, dark box there is a....


Now repeat the story, uncovering a different object in the box such as...

An elephant...

A ghost...

A cupcake...

Or nothing at all...

Flannelboard story: Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberley

We build the monster one feature at a time...

Then, because we aren't afraid of the big green monster, we shout "go away" to each feature...

At the end, we tell the monster "And don't come back until I say so!"

Action song: "If You’re a Monster and You Know It
(to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know It")

If you're a monster and you know it wave your arms
If you're a monster and you know it wave your arms
If you're a monster and you know then your arms will surely show it
If you're a monster and you know it wave your arms

Repeat with: your claws
...gnash your teeth
...stomp your feet
...growl out loud

Book: Monster Needs a Costume by Paul Czajak

Circle Game: "Pass the Witch's Broomstick" (recorded music from Dancin' with Mr. Bones)
This is a version of Hot Potato that includes a silly dance for those who get caught and are put in the middle of the circle.

Action/Movement Song: "Tippy Toes" (recorded music from Dancin' with Mr. Bones)
This is similar to "Walking, Walking." We practiced all the different kinds of steps first, as well as saying "Boo!"

Here we go on tippy toes, tippy toes, tippy toes
Here we go on tippy toes
Happy Halloween

Repeat with: walking feet, marching feet, sneaking feet, skipping feet, hopping feet, jumping feet, running feet, and back to tippy toes.

Games and Crafts in the Gym

Witch's Hat Ring Toss

Cauldron Toss (sometimes called the Witch Pitch, with ping pong balls)

Pin the Spider on the Web

Punch the Cup (poke through tissue paper to get a prize inside the cup)

Magic Watercolor Painting 

Roll-a-Frankenstein craft

Popsicle Stick Monsters craft

Pass the Pumpkin (hot potato-style)

Spooky Statues (similar to the Freeze Dance, when the music stops you freeze into a spooky statue)

StoryWalk: The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything by Linda Williams

StoryWalks* are often semi-permanent outdoor installations sponsored by a library or parks department where the pages of a picture book are laminated and mounted on posts to be read by people walking past. This was my first attempt at a StoryWalk and it seemed to work well along one wall of the gymnasium. I included some "cue cards" that invited readers to act out portions of the story. I also placed a flannelboard at the end with pieces for retelling the story.

*Credit: “The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration the Kellogg Hubbard Library. Storywalk® is a registered service mark owned by Ms. Ferguson.”


Our book this time was Old MacDonald Had a Farm by Jane Cabrera.

Our “Did You Know?” fact today was about vocabulary (new words).

Oral language is a major building block for reading. The more words your child knows, the easier it will be for him to learn to read. Songs and books that list or name objects, like “Head Shoulders Knees and Toes” or “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” are one way to introduce new words to babies.

Credit: Early Childhood News; Mel's Desk

Welcoming Song: “We Wave Hello Like This” 
(To the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell”)

We wave hello like this.
We wave hello like this.
We clap our hands for all our friends.
We wave hello like this.

Lap Bounce: “A-Bouncing We Will Go
(to the tune of: “Farmer in the Dell”)

A-bouncing we will go
A-bouncing we will go
Hi ho the derry-o
A bouncing we will go

Repeat: rocking, tickling, arms go up and down, legs go back and forth

Song: “Baby Hokey Pokey” (a.k.a. "Arms Up")

You put your arms up
You put your arms down
You put your arms up and you wave them all around
You tickle, tickle, tickle and you wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
That’s how baby hokey pokey goes.

(Repeat with: you put your legs up; you put your whole baby up)

Fingerplay/Tickle Rhyme: “This Little Piggy

This little piggy went to market
This little piggy stayed home
This little piggy ate roast beef
This little piggy had none
And this little piggy went "Wee, wee, wee" all the way home

Nursery Rhyme: “Hey Diddle Diddle

Hey diddle diddle
The cat and the fiddle
The cow jumped over the moon
The little dog laughed to see such fun
And the dish ran away with the spoon

Dancing: “Go In And Out The Window

(Stand in a circle, holding baby. In the second verse, turn baby to face another child in the circle. If you are alone, you could use a mirror.)

Go in and out the window                (swing baby in football hold toward middle of circle)
Go in and out the window
Go in and out the window
As we have done before

Turn and face your partner                (hold baby under arms, turn toward other baby)
Turn and face your partner
Turn and face your partner
As we have done before

Go up and down the staircase            (lift baby up and down)
Go up and down the staircase
Go up and down the staircase
As we have done before

Dancing/Movement: “London Bridge

London Bridge is falling down          (gently drop baby)
Falling down
Falling down
London Bridge is falling down
My sweet baby

So come and take a walk around       (walk and bounce)
Walk around 
Walk around
Come and take a walk around
My sweet baby

Shaker song: “We Hit the Floor Together”
(to the tune of “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”)

We hit the floor together
We hit the floor together
We hit the floor together
Because it’s fun to do!

Repeat with: clap our hands, nod our heads, sway from side to side, wave hello

Shaker song: “Everyone Can Shake
(This teaches the American sign language sign for stop.)

Everyone can shake, shake, shake              (shake egg)
Everyone can shake, shake, shake
Everyone can shake, shake, shake
And now let’s make a stop.                          (sign for stop*)
(*place one hand sideways into palm of other hand in a sort of chopping motion)

Repeat with:
Everyone can tap, tap, tap                            (tap egg on baby)
Everyone can clap, clap, clap                       (clap with egg)
Everyone can wave, wave, wave                 (wave with egg)

Closing Song: “We Wave Goodbye Like This
(to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell”)

We wave goodbye like this
We wave goodbye like this
We clap our hands for all our friends
We wave goodbye like this

Bubbles with music

This storytime was inspired by the lovely folks at: